Sex & Dating in an
Uncertain World
EST. 2023
exclusive online
group therapy for gay men
Life Shouldn’t Be This Hard!
Do you...
Get nervous just thinking about approaching a guy?
Struggle to turn online chats into real, in-person dates?
Never know what to say on dates?
Find none of the quality guys?
Still love your narcissistic ex?
Feel lonely even around friends?
- Use sex for validation?
Feel different than other gay men?

You deserve better!
Confidence, Connection,
and Comfort are in Reach
This unique online group therapy in Los Angeles, Beverly Hills, and anywhere else in California provides weekly guidance, support, and accountability to build greater confidence and interpersonal connections. This enables you to break free from the toxic past and take back the meaningful life you deserve. It offers the typical benefits of a Yalom group therapy approach. But it's more than the typical peer-support or counseling groups.

Yes . . . you can do this!
Why wait until it
gets really bad?
3 simple steps to real relief
1. Schedule a call
Choose a convenient time for a free 15-minute, no-pressure phone consult to learn about the benefits of the grouptherapy.
2. Apply to Join!
Start the screening process as soon as you're interested. Space is very limited.
3. Find a better you
The unique group therapy activities help you find ways to get unstuck and start enjoying the life you deserve.